Men & Women Diet

One size does not fit all when it comes to weight loss programs, diets, meal plans and anything dealing with nutrition; Men and women have very specific, differing needs based on their anatomical differences such as body fat percentage, the ability to give birth, periods and other factors.

Women’s Nutrition and Dietary Needs

Women have specific dietary and nutritive needs when it comes to dramatic weight loss. Normally, the female body takes in fewer calories than men do, but require higher levels of nutrition. Women also naturally tend to carry higher percentages of body fat due to the biological constructs of curvy figures and childbirth. Keeping the appropriate ratio between ideal caloric intake and still getting the recommended amounts of nutrients can pose a challenge for women on weight loss programs. Nutriwise provides specially formulated diet plans that allow women to achieve their weight loss goals while providing a healthy balance to their metabolism. The Nutriwise women’s diet weight loss program includes just the right amounts and types of food needed to keep women on track with their goals. It includes a healthy mixture of product types, from protein bars and snacks to full on entrees and diet drinks; these products are chock full of nutrients so you’ll stay full and satisfied throughout the day. Our portion-controlled foods offer low calorie choices that work with the female body to burn excess fat and fire up the metabolic processes, a functionality combo that is essential to successful weight loss.

Men’s Nutrition and Dietary Needs

Men’s bodies tend to stay leaner than women’s bodies, generally speaking; however, when the male body does gain weight, it collects mostly around the stomach area. This is one of the most dangerous types of weight gain due to the serious health risks it can cause, including heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. The men’s diet programs formulated by Nutriwise target this exact kind of weight gain. They are specially designed to help the male body lose weight in a healthy way while simultaneously building muscle. The food in our diet plans provides the male body with just the right type of nutrients the male body most needs; such as low-calorie, high protein meals, bars, snacks and shakes, while never sacrificing flavor. These foods help the male body build lean muscle and burn fat while keeping them satisfied throughout the day.